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11 Best Link-Building Tools To Help Improve Your Rankings in 2023

Published on 
March 22, 2023

Link-building is a key strategy to help you achieve a strong online presence. However, link-building strategies are constantly changing, and what worked in the past might be less effective now that we’re in 2023.

That’s why knowing about the latest and best link-building tools is important. These tools can help you find high-quality backlink opportunities, improve how you build links, and stay ahead of the competition.

A website with more backlinks will rank higher than one without any. But this doesn’t mean you can just add spammy backlinks to your site and expect it to increase in the rankings.

It’s important that you get backlinks from trusted and relevant sites. And the good news is that you can use various tools to help you make a good link-building strategy. 

So, whether you’re an SEO pro with years of experience or just starting out, this blog will give you helpful information about the best link-building tools to improve your website’s SERP. Let’s get started!

What is a link building tool

Link-building tools are the tools that you will use to find and get high-quality backlinks to help your website rank higher in search engines. The best SEO link-building tools include features like link opportunity analysis, outreach automation, and monitoring backlinks. 

Still, using these tools and other SEO strategies and best practices to ensure your website is optimized for search engines and users is best.

Link-building tools help in many ways and make it easier to perform link-building strategies. So, here are some of the reasons why link-building tools are important.

  • Link-building tools help to build high-quality backlinks.
  • They help you find great link opportunities quickly and filter out low-quality sites.
  • Link building can also drive referral traffic to your site.
  • Link-building tools can save you tons of time by automating many processes.
graphics for best link-building tools

There are numerous link-building tools in the market, but their features vary. So to help you choose the best one, we’ve covered the best link-building tools in 2023.

Link research is essential if you want the right websites to link to your website. It means setting quality standards, identifying different types of sites, checking their authority, and more. And you need the best link research tools to do this.

1. Semrush

If you’re looking for an all-in-one SEO tool with everything you need (like a Swiss Army Knife), Semrush is the perfect solution. This all-in-one SEO tool is a powerhouse, and it’s known for its incredible backlink research features.

You can easily find link-building opportunities with Semrush, evaluate them, and even reach out to them yourself. It gives you access to dozens of other tools that can help you optimize your website. But let’s talk more about its link-building and backlink gap feature.

The Backlink Gap tool is like a treasure map, helping you find new link prospects that other tools have missed. And the Link Building tool? Well, it’s like a magic wand, giving you access to Semrush’s database of over 43 trillion backlinks

And the best part? Semrush monitors your backlink profile to make sure those precious new links don’t vanish into thin air. If they do, you’ll know right away so you can fix the situation.

2. Ahrefs

Ahrefs isn’t just a one-trick pony when it comes to link building. It offers a suite of SEO tools that’ll make your head spin (in a good way, of course). From keyword research to content analysis to site auditing, Ahrefs has got you covered.

Link Intersect and Content Explorer are two of Ahrefs’ standout tools for link building. The Link Intersect tool is like a GPS for your missing link opportunities. It helps you find websites linking to your competitors but not to you. It’s like finding the key to a secret room filled with link-building potential.

While Content Explorer helps you discover top-performing content and thousands of link prospects related to your niche. Plus, it offers bulk analysis for link vetting, so you can be sure you’re only reaching out to the best prospects.

But wait, there’s more! Ahrefs also has a Broken Backlink Checker, which helps you quickly find and fix broken links on your website. Because broken links are not good for your website. 

3. Moz

MOZ covers all aspects of SEO, from keyword research to competitor analysis and more. And if you’re looking to up your link-building game, then the Moz Link Explorer is the tool for you.

With Moz’s Link Explorer, you can easily analyze any website’s backlink profile. And we mean any website, even your competitors’. Once you have this information, link-building opportunities are endless. Plus, you can use the tool to repair broken links and remove any bad links that may affect the ranking of your website. Here’s a guide on how to remove bad backlinks on your website.

Using the Link Explorer tool is easy. Simply create a free Moz account using your email, open the tool, and enter the website URL you want to analyze. Within seconds, you’ll receive a comprehensive analysis of that website’s backlink profile. It’s so easy. Even your tech-averse grandma could do it.

4. Majestic

Majestic SEO is a name that is well-known in the world of SEO. They’ve been around for ages, and with good reason! Unlike other link-building tools mentioned above, Majestic is not an all-in-one SEO tool. Its unique focus is on backlinks and its advanced analysis metrics.

Majestic’s “Link Intelligence” database crawls the web to find hidden connections and opportunities. You’ll deeply understand the authority and quality of any website with eight different analysis metrics.

  1. Trust Flow
  2. Topical Trust Flow
  3. Citation Flow
  4. Referring IP Addresses
  5. Referring Domains
  6. External Backlinks
  7. Crawled URLs
  8. Indexed URLs

If you want to know what websites link to your competitors, Majestic has you covered. You can easily check their backlink profile and see a breakdown of where their links come from. Are they mostly from news sites, blogs, or forums? Knowing this information can help you develop a more targeted link-building strategy.

However, its UX can be a bit dated and hard to use. It’s like trying to navigate a flip phone in the age of smartphones. But don’t let that discourage you from using it. After all, what’s on the inside counts, right?

5. Whitespark

When it comes to dominating local SEO, Whitespark is the tool you need. Whitespark provides a tool for finding local citations that work similarly to a backlink checker. But this tool is specifically designed for local search.

It’s like having a secret weapon in your SEO arsenal. You enter relevant details about your business, and the tool compiles a list of citation sources where you can submit your business information and get backlinks.

But be careful. Consistency is important! You don’t want your NAP (name, address, and phone number) to be different from one source to another. Whitespark knows this and emphasizes the importance of keeping your NAP consistent with each source you submit to.

6. NinjaOutreach

NinjaOutreach is like a jack-of-all-trades in prospecting and outreaching for link-building. Not only can you discover relevant influencers in your niche, but you can also contact them directly from the platform.

NinjaOutreach offers additional influencer marketing features. You have the option to filter your search results based on social metrics like the number of Facebook or Instagram followers. Because let’s face it, if an influencer has thousands of followers on Friendster, it won’t help your website’s SEO.

And if you’re a true SEO geek, you can also dive into more specific SEO metrics. Specifically, you can sort results by Domain Authority, Page Authority, and the number of backlinks.

7. Linkody

Linkody is an affordable and easy-to-use tool that will help you navigate your way to successful link-building. Linkody’s link index leads you to the exact web pages of any website with the most backlinks. 

And with the Top Pages filter, you can quickly discover where your competitors hide their most valuable links. It’s like being a pirate and finding the secret island where all the treasure is buried.

For example, let’s say your competitor has a blog post about the best dog grooming tips, and it has dozens of backlinks. You can use Linkody to find that post, analyze it, and develop a better version. It’s like taking their treasure map and using it to find more gold than they ever could.

But Linkody doesn’t just help you find link opportunities. It also enables you to keep track of it. With its tracking feature, you can monitor the quality of your backlinks by checking metrics like Domain Authority, Page Authority, spam score, and link anchor text.

8. BuzzStream

Are you tired of sending countless outreach emails from your Gmail account? Buzzstream is here to rescue you from the isolation of manual outreach.

Buzzstream is like a personal assistant for your link-building campaigns. It lets you manage everything from prospecting to outreach, all in one place. You can personalize your emails, track their progress, and assign tasks to your team members.

And if that’s not enough, Buzzstream also offers project management capabilities to keep track of your campaigns’ progress. You can see which campaigns are performing well and which need extra attention.

But wait, there’s more! Buzzstream also helps you find and collaborate with influencers. Plus, with its Digital PR feature, you can even build a list of journalists and bloggers to earn placements.

9. GroupHigh

Are you tired of scrolling through endless lists of mediocre blogs in your search for quality backlinks? GroupHigh has got your back!

With the world’s largest and most accurate database of blogs online, GroupHigh is the ultimate tool for finding new prospects and identifying influencers who can take your content to the next level. Think of it like a treasure map to the best blogs online.

And with over 15 million bloggers in their database, you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your link-building campaign. It’s like having a personal army of bloggers at your fingertips, ready to help you conquer the internet.

So, whether you’re looking to build relationships with bloggers in your niche or expand your outreach efforts, GroupHigh is the tool for you.

10. HARO

HARO may have been designed for journalists, but it’s a hidden gem for link builders. Think about it, journalists need sources for their articles, and you need backlinks for your website. It’s a match made in heaven!

So, instead of emailing bloggers begging for backlinks, HARO sends you daily emails to journalists actively seeking sources for their articles.

And the best part? HARO connects you with credible sources, so you know you get high-quality backlinks.


Link building can feel like a never-ending game of Whac-A-Mole. When you think you’ve nailed down a strategy, another problem pops up, like finding the right contact information for your outreach campaign.

Sure, you could spend hours scouring a website for a single email address. But who has time for that? is your trusty sidekick in the hunt for email addresses.

With, you can put your magnifying glass away and stop squinting at the screen. Just type in the website URL, and voila! A list of email addresses associated with the site appears before your eyes.

It also verifies email addresses so you don’t waste your time sending emails to inactive accounts. It’s like having a spam filter for your outreach campaign.

And let’s be real, who doesn’t love a good filter? With, you can filter your search results by role, location, and seniority level.


The key to success is building high-quality, natural links that show Google your website is trustworthy and authoritative. 

But let’s be real. Manual link building can be a tedious and time-consuming process. You want to make it easier on yourself by investing in the best link-building tool. Including the link-building tools, we’ve mentioned in this article.

These tools allow you to easily hunt down quality backlinks and bring more traffic to your sites. So, if you’re tired of running around in circles trying to build links, take a shortcut with these tools and outrank your competition, or you can just hire an SEO consultant or specialist to help you with your ranking. 

Reach out!

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